Livre paru en 2024 en French. Disponible au format Kindle.
Stretch leather sculptor, Yourcenar enthusiast, curious therapist who listens to women: there are many lives in the life of Jean-Claude Jitrois.
At the parties he organizes on rue de Rivoli, he brings together all the chic and shady of Paris. The audience wants more.
The Jitrois family knows a lot of people. The couturier to the stars, at once faithful husband, fickle lover, inflexible patriarch and captain on deck, will have toured the century.
ILlustrated with numerous photo archives, this story - his own, that of his tribe and of an incandescent end to the millennium - mixes rising sap and falling kidneys.
From the arms of Mike Tyson or Brigitte Nielsen to the corridors of Nice University, Ma peau se souvient evokes the sentimental upbringing of a man resistant to bourgeois conventions, the baroque effervescence of the global jet set and the dark hours of the AIDS years. On the eve of his eightieth birthday, this is the itinerary of a visionary designer driven by a love of leather and freedom.
French couturier born in 1944, Jean-Claude Coste, known as Jitrois, opened his first boutique in Nice in 1976 after a distinguished career as a psychomotrician. He revolutionized the fashion industry with his sublimation of stretch leather, making him an international icon, and was awarded the Légion d'honneur in 2002 for his contributions to the clothing industry.
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