Sorti en 2009
A little girl from central France, placed in an orphanage with her sister, who waits in vain every Sunday for her father to come and fetch them.
A bawling singer with a too-weak voice, taking on an audience of tipsy soldiers.
A little seamstress destined to redo hems in the back store of a provincial tailor.
An apprentice courtesan with a too-skinny body, who finds refuge with her protector Etienne Balsan, among the cocottes and partygoers.
A lover who knows she won't be "anyone's wife", not even Boy Capel's, the man who nonetheless loved her too.
A rebel prevented from breathing by the conventions of the time, who dresses in the shirts of her lovers.
This is the story of Coco Chanel, who embodied the modern woman before inventing her.
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